Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Post!

So, yesterday I went shopping. Of course, I couldn't afford to buy anything (ha) but I still did a little browsing. First we went Victoria's Secret. Now I have to be skeptical of a beauty brand that names plain old pink lipgloss something like "hot pants." The packaging may be flashy, but beyond that I found their stuff pretty mediocre. Anything that I found there I could of found at Target for a third of the price. If you have to be seduced, buy the bronzers or blushes. I was impressed by the Very Sexy Makeup Mosaic Bronzer. With the right brush it gives your skin a nice glow. But if the shimmer is too much for you, mix it with a little lotion and use it for night as a body shimmer.
I tried on their lipsticks - just you know, I have serious issues with red lipstick. I'm all about natural makeup, and red just doesn't look natural on me (it looks kind of like I just ate a popsicle). However, for people like me with ghostly pale skin, I found Very Sexy Perfect Lipstick in Beg Me (I know, ew) to look very pretty on me. I topped it off with Beauty Rush Lip Gloss in Sugar High (clear) for a perfect fuschia pout. Sidenote: this stuff tastes delicious!
In the checkout line a tried out the Dream Angels Heavenly Angel Touch lotion, and was pretty disapointed. To borrow a phrase from Mean Girls, I smelled a baby prostitute. Not my thing.

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