Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bum bum bee dum bum bum bee dum dum.....

For weeks, I have not been able to get Rihanna's new song Disturbia out of my mind grape (that's a 30 Rock reference) or her unbelievably trendy neon nail polish. I mean, she already has enough cool points for her crazy hair and tattoos. But I L-O-V-E the idea of going beyond basic red for nails. It's especially refreshing after having to endure months of black nails on the red carpet. Alas, this tends to look a little trashy if you don't have the right skin tone - one of the many gifts deep skinned ladies possess is the ability to pull off more dramatic colors. But it looks like this trend may be short lived - Chanel has already launched a limited edition gold polish for fall that I predict will be huuuge. MAC did it last winter too.

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